The authentification of cars is our company's gift for you.
Opening time: Monday - Friday: 09:00 -17:00, Saturday: 09:00-13:00 | Adress: 1158 Budapest, Késmárk utca 32. | Phone number: +36-30 660-0575, +36-20 988-0515.
It is possible again to take 2.5% fixed HUF-based Growth Loan.
Nissan Leaf 40kwh 2020 - 5.419M
Opel Grandlandx plugin hybrid 2020 - 8.389M
Peugeot Ion EV 2018 8e km - 2.889M
Renault Clio TGK 2019-2023 99e km - 2.549M
Renault Megane TGK 2020-2021 - 3.689M
Renault Trafic TGK 2021 - 5.689M
Young cars with 6 months warantee
As an Independent Agent, we are in contact with several banks and credit institutions so you can choose from several offers.
Do you need some money urgently? You dont want to wait for the sale? Bring your car to us, and we will buy it on that day!
Do you want to buy more cars in the same time? We will give you an extra offer with an exceptional price!
You can't decide? Electric, Hybrid, Diesel or Petrol? We'll tell you which would be the best choice! Tell us for what reason you are looking for a vehicle and we will help. Credit, leasing, long lease? As an independent credit broker, you can choose from offers from several financial institutions. We are offering growth credit at 2.5% TCI. Feel free to contact us.